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a brief summary of the news link, and it will be viewed as the first comment
to the newslink in the Headlines message area. The "Blurb" can be left blank.
WARNING: THIS IS NOT THE PLACE TO WRITE YOUR BASEBALLGEEKS BLOG ENTRIES. If you want to write a blog entry, write it in the appropriate message area on the message board and click the "Blogit!" link to place it on your blog.
You can then submit the link to your article on this page, using the URL to the message.
Your link will be reviewed, and it will be placed on our main page if it is considered worthy of inclusion in the exclusive opinion of the BaseballGeeks admins (aka "UMPS"). Use of humor is a plus!
Place an image in your comment, where URL is the web site location of the image (yes, hyphens are required, as is the case with the remaining commands)
Italics (text is whatever text you want to italicize)
Places text that is within the &box--box& commands in a centered box for emphasis (e.g., to emphasize a quote from the article)